March 4, 2024 at 10:29 am EST
Winning Journeys: Tre's Story

I can’t recall a time in my life when I was not one of the larger people in the room….the tallest kid in class in early grades, the base of the pyramid as a middle school cheerleader, the shopper hoping to find fashionable clothes in size XL….but I didn’t let it hold me back. I’ve even had conversations with my doctor about not realizing that I was the size that I was. Heck, I worked for 30 years in the restaurant industry, often spending 8-12 hours per day on my feet. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if my weight was out of control, right? Wrong!

Liz and I are dear friends, going back to our college days. I knew that she was the WW consultant who worked with Jennifer Hudson, Katie Couric and so many other celebrities. As soon as I knew her book was available, I headed to my closest Barnes & Noble to share in my friend’s excitement. The pile of Target100 books on a centrally located table made my heart so happy for her. Of course I was going to pick up a copy, maybe I’d even read it and put some of the knowledge into practice.

As I read through the book, I felt as if it was written just for me! Sent a quick message to Liz to thank her for sharing her wealth of knowledge with the world and to congratulate her. She encouraged me to take the Foundation Course. Thought about it briefly, having internal arguments with myself about another possible failed attempt, and eventually signed up.

I am eternally grateful that I did! Since taking the course, I have lost 50 pounds. During that time, I learned more about weight loss than what this industry typically teaches. I’ve hit plateaus and had regressions. But at the end of each day, more than two years later, I am still down 50 pounds, feeling better than I have in forever and I have a base of knowledge that helps me navigate a healthy lifestyle EVERY DAY! There is no more guilt & shame and I’ve FINALLY been able to accept the fact that my weight does not determine if I am a good or bad person. I’m encouraged as I continue to work toward losing more with the knowledge I’ve gained and am beyond thankful for the lessons and love shared in the Target100 community!

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